Devotions of Radiance

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Key word(s)
prayer, betrayal, convicted, denial

saying in context
Jesus prayed "Do what you want, [Lord,] not what I want." He was betrayed by a close friend, convicted though innocent and His friends ran from Him and denied they knew Him.

What is God saying to us
Sometimes God's way does not seem like the best way, but we need to follow it anyway because it is. Our destiny is the best life we can live.

What am I saying to God
Do what you want Lord, not what I want.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Key word(s)
hypocrites, actions, priorities, intergrity, calling

saying in context
Don't follow hypocrites' actions, they will not enter heaven. Make your priorities your intergrity, justice, mercy, faithfulness. You will see Jesus when you say, "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord."

What is God saying to us
Live your life, don't just say how to live it. Call upon my name and I will be with you.

What am I saying to God
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Help me to go out into the day and shine your radiance by the way I live my life. Amen

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Key word(s)
prayer, faith, healing, accountability

saying in context
Pray to the Lord, He will heal you if you have faith. Ask others to pray for you because their innocent prayers are so powerful.

What is God saying to us
Be accountable to others and to Me.

What am I saying to God
Give me the faith to heal others, Lord, and others the faith to heal me.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Key word(s)
steward, guest

saying in context
We are called to be stewards and to look after others, those that do not will be thrown out of the banquet room and others will take their place.

What is God saying to us
Look after others

What am I saying to God
Help me to be a good steward, Lord!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Key word
desecration, faith, authority

saying in context
We should stop people from desecrating God's world. If we have faith we can do anything and our prayers will be answered. The Authority of Jesus is given by God, no man can take that away.

What is God saying to us
Don't lose faith in the things I have promised you, believe because my authority is above any man's.

What am I saying to God
I believe but help me with my unbelief!

Friday, October 13, 2006


Key word
divorce, singleness, children, Kingdom of Heaven

saying in context
When people join in marriage they join by God, therefore divorce is wrong, Some people are blessed by being single they should not try to marry. If we come to Jesus like children we will get to the Kingdom of Heaven where the first shall be last and the last shall be first.

What is God saying to us
If you make a lifetime committment, you have to stick to it. Money and wealth is not important in My Kingdom.

What am I saying to God
Can I leave the decisions up to You? They're too hard for me to make.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Key word
children, sin, humility, community, forgive

saying in context
We must be like children in humility but in maturity like adults, letting others sin is bad, we should build communities of faithful followers and forgive limitlessly.

What is God saying to us
Talk to Him with others, the Christian journey is hard to do alone.

What am I saying to God
I like community