Devotions of Radiance

Friday, November 24, 2006


Key word(s)
Bible, persecution, wrath of God, Satan, converts.
Trials, Life, love.

saying in context
Lives are changed by God, not us. The word of God brings people to Christ, not the word of man. Christians will face persecution but the persecutors will face the wrath of God. Satan does all he can to bring Christians down, he is active physically and spiritually. It is when people convert to Christ and become more Christlike that brings life, joy and glory to Christians.
It's not always Satan that tempts, sometimes God tests us, for our benefit. As Christians our love overflows to others by our actions.

What is God saying to us
We need to live the life not only preach it. And when we preach it, it's not for our glory, It is God who brings people to Him, not us! Live through trials and attacks, it will make you stronger!

What am I saying to God
Help me to get through struggles in life, Lord. Help me to speak your name by my mouth AND my actions!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Key word(s)
Punishment, wastrels, west people, pits, judgement

saying in context
The whole earth will be punished by God, people will waste their lives away. People in the West will convert the East and the Islands. People will run from God but fall into traps and God will judge the world.

What is God saying to us
We need to be standing against people drinking and wasting their lives away. Western culture is an example to the world, we need to show the world how to live life to the fullest.

What am I saying to God
New Zealand is the third most stingy country in the world. Let's change that by giving to other countries because I know that whe we give in God's name, He will bless us for it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Key word(s)
Live, die, Christ

saying in context
Whether we live or die, we do it for Christ. He is Lord of the living and dead

What is God saying to us
Don't fear death, don't fear life! Live for me.

What am I saying to God
To live is Christ, to die is gain.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Key word(s)
lamb, worship, praises, wedding

saying in context
All who worship the Lord will praise His name when He calls them to sing on Christ's wedding day.

What is God saying to us
Stand up for me, openly praise my name.

What am I saying to God
Help me to do good deeds for you Lord, so I can contribute to your wedding linen.